Many people know I'm a geek (I say it often enough). I own a 2007 Chevy Aveo 5 the cheap one. Its a decent car that has had the crap beaten out of it but it still runs after two accidents and over 120,000 miles so I can't complain. That and its a standard and gets awesome gas mileage.

For the fun of it, I decided to name it the "Little Blue Pirate" and because that's how our sense of humor goes, my wife and I decided once we'd paid it off to put some fierce pirate stickers on it. She saw these and I put them
on. Not exactly what you'd expect to see on a tiny little fuel efficient commuter vehicle, which pleased us to no end.
But as I said earlier, I'm a geek. That means I needed something to declare my geekiness to the world in as obvious and loud a fashion as
possible. If for no other reason than because its fun. So my beautiful bride came through again with this 'tribal Batman' symbol from Rad Dezignes. Actually, its the Nightwing symbol superimposed on the Batman symbol which really feeds my inner geek since Richard Grayson is now Batman. Well, for the time being anyway.

Anyhow, the thing is huge. Its meant for a laptop and
its like 22" x 8". I'm putting it on my hood.
She also found another pirate sticker of a skeletal pirate that we're going to put on the rear window. I've found a couple other pirate decals I want to put on.

I think this is the next pirate sticker I want. I like the swords.
That's about all for a rant today. Maybe I'll post more later.
"Later" being a relative term of course. ;)